外部設計書 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2) - Polaris Engine Wiki

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  • 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
Software Design Specification for Suika2

|Modified By||
|Updated|10th October 2023|
|Created|29th October 2022|
|Revision: 14.6.0|


Table of Contents



* Introduction [#i0223830]

This document outlines the software design specification (SDS) for Suika2 in English.
It is intended to help programmers understand Suika2's high-level design and get started quickly.


* Components [#ifc11971]

Suika2 consists of the following components:
- Platform Independent Layer (PIL)
- Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL)

 | cmd_*.c (PIL) |
 | main.c (PIL)  |
 | event.c (PIL) |
 | HAL           |
 | OS API        |

We don't use C++ classes to wrap OS API because:
- Native language may not support C++ bindings
- A layered structure is more simple than interrelationships between classes


* HAL [#q0213da4]

A HAL is a component implemented on a per-platform basis.

** Supported Platforms [#wb90efbd]

Currently, the project has six HALs.

- Windows
- macOS
- Web (Emscripten)
- iOS
- Android (NDK)
- Linux

** HAL Modules [#t5afd9df]

The HALs consist of the following modules:

- Windows
-- "winmain.c" ... Entry Point
-- "d3drender.cc" ... Direct3D Renderer
-- "glrender.c" ... OpenGL Renderer
-- "dsound.c" ... DirectSound Player
-- "dsvideo.cc" ... DirectShow Video Player
-- "tts_sapi.cc" ... Text-to-speech
- macOS
-- "nsmain.m" ... Entry Point
-- "glrender.c" ... OpenGL Renderer
-- "aunit.c" ... AudioUnit Player
- Web (Emscripten)
-- "emmain.c" ... Entry Point
-- "glrender.c" ... OpenGL Renderer
-- "emopenal.c" ... OpenAL Player
- iOS
-- "iosmain.m" ... Entry Point
-- "glrender.c" ... OpenGL Renderer
-- "emopenal.c" ... OpenAL Player
- Android
-- "ndkmain.c" ... Entry Point
-- "ndkfile.c" ... File Operation
-- "ndkwave.c" ... Sound Playback
-- "glrender.c" ... OpenGL Renderer
- Linux
-- "x11main.c" ... Entry Point
-- "glrender.c" ... OpenGL Renderer
-- "asound.c" ... ALSA Player

** HAL Functionality [#bac9e654]

A HAL must provide the following functionalities:

- Initialization
- Main Loop
- Event Handling
- Logging
- Path Manipulation
- GPU Operations
- Time Measurement
- Confirmation Dialogs
- Sound Playback
- Video Playback
- Window Manipulation
- System Locale


* PIL [#y97aa026]

The PIL provides the following functionalities:

- Main Flow
-- Event Handlers ("event.c")
-- Command Dispatcher ("main.c")
-- Command Implementation ("cmd_*.c")
- Common Process for Most Platforms
-- File and Package ("file.c")
- Common Process for All Platforms
-- Rendering ("stage.c")
-- Logging ("log.c")
-- Config Parser ("config.c")
-- Script Parser ("script.c")
-- GUI Parser and Execution ("gui.c")
-- Anime Parser and Execution ("anime.c")
-- WMS Scripting ("wms*.c")


* Application Flow [#f9d5b6b4]

A HAL runs a main loop.
In a main loop, a HAL dispatches UI events to the functions implemented in "event.c".
The following functions are for event handling and are implemented in "event.c"

 bool on_event_init(void);
 void on_event_cleanup(void);
 bool on_event_frame(int *x, int *y, int *w, int *h);
 void on_event_key_press(int key);
 void on_event_key_release(int key);
 void on_event_mouse_press(int button, int x, int y);
 void on_event_mouse_release(int button, int x, int y);
 void on_event_mouse_move(int x, int y);
 void on_event_mouse_scroll(int n);

"on_event_frame()" function is called every frame.
In this function, the program calls "game_loop_iter()" function that is implemented in "main.c".

"game_loop_iter()" calls "dispatch_command()".
In "dispatch_command()", each command implementation such as "message_command()" is called.


* Command Implementation Functions [#rec5167d]

The command implementation functions are implemented in "cmd_*.c" files.

A command implementation function is called every frames while the command is executed.
A function, "is_in_command_repetition()",
is provided to distinguish between the first frame and the frames that will be executed repeatedly after that.

When a command quits, the command implementation function just calls "move_to_next_command()".


* How to add a command [#q0b4c290]

- In "script.h":
-- Add a constant to "enum command_type"
-- The new constant shows a new command we'll add
-- Create "enum xxx_command_param"
-- Define command parameter indices like other "enum xxx_command_param"
- In "script.c":
-- Add a command to "struct insn_item insn_tbl[]"
- In"main.h":
-- Add a prototype declaration of "xxx_command()"
- In "main.c":
-- Add a command dispatch in "dispatch_command()"
- In "cmd_xxx.c":
-- Create a file
- In "common.mk":
-- Add "cmd_xxx.c"